For over two years, Alizah Silver has been teaching mindfulness, activism, and compassion to KIPP Empower Academy elementary school students in South Los Angeles through her interactive yoga classes and after-school program known as the LOVE ACTIVISTS.
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Topics: #focusonexcellence, #toandthrough, Professional Development, teaching, environmental issues, mental health, social emotional learning, compassion, love activists, social emotional
Last week, more than 1,000 KIPP SoCal team members joined together in Anaheim at the second annual Start Strong regional professional development event.
Topics: Professional Development
New Teacher Orientation Prepares Team for 2019-20 School Year!
Last week, more than 200 KIPP SoCal teachers came together for New Teacher Orientation. This intensive, three-day professional development series offered sessions on self-care, advocacy, brand ambassadorship, revolutionary love, teaching and learning, and trauma-informed instruction while allowing teachers to bond with their new Team and Family and better understand the KIPP SoCal approach.