This series will seek to tell the other side of the charter public school story in a way that will bring context to what we believe are truths about charter public schools in general, and specifically about high performing networks, like our own KIPP SoCal. In doing so, we hope you join us in refocusing the narrative on what truly matters: a great public school education for all of our children, regardless of zip code, income, language, or ability.
Topics: elementary school, charterswork, charter management organizations, kippsocal, charter schools, cherry-picking, charter renewal, enrollment, public school, district schools, middle schools, open enrollment, Governor Newsome, nonprofit
This month, we sat down with Nisha Vasavada, founder and new co-School Leader for KIPP Pueblo Unido, to share her passion and vision for this new adventure for both her and our KIPPsters! Nisha will be leading KIPP Pueblo Unido's upper school, with 6th grade set to begin in August 2020. Tessa Mizokami, will continue to shine as co-School Leader for KIPP Pueblo Unido's lower school.
Topics: KIPP Pueblo Unido, elementary school, kippsocal, middle school, charter schools, community, teacher residency, cohort model, educational equity, educational access, optimism, curiosity, enrichment, Stanford University
This month, we sat down with Stephanie Kinoshita, our Associate Director of Teacher Residency and founding elementary school teacher at our own KIPP Raíces Academy in 2008. Stephanie shared with us what she feels are unique attributes of both the Teacher Residency Program and professional development here at KIPP SoCal.
Topics: Professional Development, elementary school, kippsocal, middle school, charter schools, teacher residency, first year teaching, alder graduation school of education, cohort model, educational equity, assessments
This month, we sat down with Maria Ana Rodriguez, a third year Resource Specialist Teacher at KIPP Iluminar Academy, and extraordinary human, to explore her belief in the importance of collaboration in the special education arena.
Topics: KIPP Iluminar Academy, elementary school, kippsocal, middle school, charter schools, sped, special education teacher, occupational therapist, advocacy, IEP, speech pathologist, school counselor, adapted physical education teacher
This series will seek to tell the other side of the charter public school story in a way that will bring context to what we believe are truths about charter public schools in general, and specifically about high performing networks, like our own KIPP SoCal. In doing so, we hope you join us in refocusing the narrative on what truly matters: a great public school education for all of our children, regardless of zip code, income, language, or ability.
Topics: elementary school, charterswork, charter management organizations, kippsocal, charter schools, cherry-picking, charter renewal, enrollment, public school, district schools, middle schools, open enrollment, Governor Newsome, nonprofit
This month, we sat down with Maria Ana Rodriguez, a third year Resource Specialist Teacher at KIPP Iluminar Academy, and extraordinary human, to explore her belief in the importance of collaboration in the special education arena.
Topics: KIPP Iluminar Academy, elementary school, kippsocal, middle school, charter schools, sped, special education teacher, occupational therapist, advocacy, IEP, speech pathologist, school counselor, adapted physical education teacher
Carolyn Sloan on Jazz and the Universal Language of Music
KIPP SoCal is a proud partner of A to K, an invaluable program that brings published authors to our middle schools, exposing our students to an array of exciting literary adventures. A to K is a partnership between KIPP SoCal and Creating Conversations, which supports KIPP SoCal's efforts to provide our KIPPsters with the world-class education they deserve.
Topics: elementary school, kippsocal, middle school, extracurricular activities, extracurricular, music, music teacher, community, classical music, interactive children's books, clarinet, Carolyn Sloan, the Big Lucky Band, jazz, interactive books, trombone, tuba, double bass
This series will seek to tell the other side of the charter public school story in a way that will bring context to what we believe are truths about charter public schools in general, and specifically about high performing networks, like our own KIPP SoCal. In doing so, we hope you join us in refocusing the narrative on what truly matters: a great public school education for all of our children, regardless of zip code, income, language, or ability.
Topics: elementary school, charterswork, charter management organizations, kippsocal, charter schools, cherry-picking, charter renewal, enrollment, public school, district schools, middle schools, open enrollment
At KIPP SoCal, we believe in the power of highly effective teachers and leaders to see, develop and inspire the greatest potential in each KIPPster. Our schools offer a safe, structured and nurturing environment through which our teachers can foster meaningful relationships built on love, empathy, compassion and respect. As we learn from each other and with each other, we establish a culture of trust that helps our KIPPsters develop a lifetime love of learning.
Topics: elementary school, kippsocal, middle school, KIPP Foundation, extracurricular activities, extracurricular, music, music teacher, community, kipppueblounido
We sat down with Emily Barclay, our amazing music teacher at KIPP Raíces Academy and gained some powerful insight into how our National Blue Ribbon and California Distinguished School, as a community, nurtures the whole child.
Topics: elementary school, kippsocal, middle school, KIPP Foundation, folklorico, spelling bee, extracurricular activities, extracurricular, KIPP Raíces Academy, love, honor, excellence, integrity, dia de los muertos, dancers giving back, astronomy, science fair
This 'scholar spotlight' series will celebrate our KIPP SoCal alumni on their incredible journey to and through college. Metzli Cruz This summer, Metztli interned in Washington D.C. as a...Read more
This 'scholar spotlight' series will celebrate our KIPP SoCal alumni on their incredible journey to and through college. Isaac Ramirez Isaac is a scholar at La Jolla High School, and a KIPP...Read more
This 'scholar spotlight' series will celebrate our KIPP SoCal alumni on their incredible journey to and through college. Aketzali Velazquez Rodriguez Aketzali Velazquez Rodriguez is a KIPP...Read more
This 'scholar spotlight' series will celebrate our KIPP SoCal alumni on their incredible journey to and through college. Sergio Oaxaca Sergio Oaxaca is a KIPP Adelante Preparatory Academy...Read more
This series will seek to tell the other side of the charter public school story in a way that will bring context to what we believe are truths about charter public schools in general, and...Read more